Principles of Engineering (POE) is a course that focuses on the process of
applying engineering, technological, scientific and mathematical principles in the design,
production, and operation of products, structures, and systems. This is a hands-on course
designed to provide students interested in engineering careers to explore experiences
related to specialized fields such as civil, mechanical, and materials engineering. Students
will engage in research, development, planning, design, production, and project
management to simulate a career in engineering. The topics of ethics and the impacts of
engineering decisions are also addressed. Classroom activities are organized to allow
students to work in teams and use modern technological processes, computers, CAD
software, and production systems in developing and presenting solutions to engineering
DOE Code: 4814
Recommended Grade Level: Grade 10-12
Recommended Prerequisites: Introduction to Engineering Design
Credits: 1 credit per semester, 2 semester maximum, maximum of 2 credits
Counts as a Directed Elective or Elective for the General, Core 40, Core 40 with
Academic Honors and Core 40 with Technical Honors diplomas
Qualifies as a quantitative reasoning course for General, AHD & THD
This course is aligned with postsecondary courses for Dual Credit Ivy Tech-DESN 104 Mechanical Graphics, 3 cr; Purdue University, School of Technology, 3 cr
Must pass ECA
No additional cost