Veterinary Careers I

Veterinary Careers I is a lab intensive course that introduces students to animal care and veterinary medicine while using field experiences to attain necessary skills. Students will learn and demonstrate standard protocols used in veterinary careers.

This course also provides students with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed 
to make the transition from school to work in health science careers, including self- analysis to aid in career selection, job seeking and job maintenance skills, personal management skills, and completion of the application process for admission into a post- secondary program.

Participation in FFA or HOSA encourages development of leadership, communication, community service and career related skills. 

DOE Code 5211
Recommended Grade Levels: 11
Recommended Prerequisites: Animal Science; Advanced Life Science Animals, HSE I • Credits: 2 credits per semester, 2 semester class
Counts as a Directed Elective or Elective for the General, Core 40, Core 40 with Academic Honors and Core 40 with Technical Honors diplomas
Additional Cost: approx. $50 

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