Health Career Practicum (Work Based Learning Capstone-Health Science) is a
two level course designed to provide students with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills
needed to make the transition from school to work.
Varied instructional strategies and
technologies are used to emphasize the course content: Job seeking and job maintenance
skills, personal management skills, self- analysis to aid in career selection and completion
of the application process for admission into a postsecondary program of their choice.
second layer of the course is an extended laboratory experience designed to provide
students the opportunity to assume the role of a health care provider and practice
technical skills, previously learned in the classroom, at the clinical site of their choice.
HOSA, the health science student organization, encourages development of leadership,
communication, community service and health care related skills.
DOE Code: 5207
Recommended Grade Level: 12
Required Prerequisite: 4 credits and a GPA of C or higher in a Health Science
class (Anatomy and Physiology, Health Care Systems I, PLTW Biomedical
Sciences (PBS, HBS, MI), any Health Science II (C.N.A, Physical Therapy,
Veterinary Careers) or Dental Assisting I.
Credits: 2 credits per semester; maximum of 6 credits
Counts as a Directed Elective and Elective for the Core 40, Core 40 with
Academic Honors, and Core 40 with Technical Honors diplomas
Additional Cost: approx. $115