Principles of Biomedical Sciences (PLTW) (PBS)

Principles of the Biomedical Sciences (PLTW) (PBS) provides an introduction to this field through “hands-on” projects and problems. Student work involves the study of human medicine, research processes and an introduction to bioinformatics. Students investigate the human body systems and various health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, and infectious diseases. A theme through the course is to determine the factors that led to the death of a fictional person. After determining the factors responsible for the death, the students investigate lifestyle choices and medical treatments that might have prolonged the person’s life.

Key biological concepts included in the curriculum are: homeostasis, metabolism, inheritance of traits, feedback systems, and defense against disease. Engineering principles such as the design process, feedback loops, fluid dynamics, and the relationship of structure to function will be included where appropriate.

The course is designed to provide an overview of all courses in the Biomedical Sciences program and to lay the scientific foundation necessary for student success in the subsequent courses. Schools must agree to be part of the Project Lead the Way network and follow all training and data collection requirements.

NOTE: Use of the PLTW Course number is limited to schools that have agreed to be part of the Project Lead the Way network and follow all training and data collection requirements. 

DOE Code: 5218
Recommended Grade Level: 9-12
Prerequisites: Biology I or concurrent enrollment in Biology I is required
Credits: 1 credit per semester, 2 semesters maximum, maximum of 2 credits Counts as a Directed Elective or Elective for the General, Core 40, Core 40 with Academic Honors and Core 40 with Technical Honors diplomas
Fulfills a Core 40 Science elective requirement for the General, Core 40, Core 40 with Academic Honors, and Core 40 with Technical Honors diplomas or counts as an Elective or Directed Elective for any diploma
Additional Cost: approx. $25 

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