Health Science II - C.N.A. is a two-semester program with the focus on
preparing qualified students for entry-level placement in a long-term care facility.
Students will have the opportunity to apply concepts, skills and work attitudes taught in
this related class. Students are placed at facilities under direct supervision of a licensed
nurse with a predetermined training plan. Upon completion of 75 clinical hours, students
will be qualified to take the State certification exam.
DOE Code: 5284
Recommended Grade Level: 11-12—must have transportation 2nd semester to
clinical site
Recommended Prerequisite: Health Science I
Credits: 2 credits per semester, 2 semester maximum
Counts as Directed elective or Elective for the General, Core 40, Core 40 with
Academic Honors, and Core 40 with Technical Honors diplomas
This course is aligned with postsecondary course for Dual Credit Ivy Tech-HLHS 107-C.N.A. Preparation, 5 cr
Additional costs: approximately $150 (includes cost of C.N.A. State Exam)