Medical Terminology prepares students with language skills necessary for effective, independent use of health and medical reference materials. It includes the
study of health and medical abbreviations, symbols, and Greek and Latin word part
meanings taught within the context of body systems. This course builds skills in
pronouncing, spelling, and defining new words encountered in verbal and written
Students have the opportunity to acquire skills in interpreting medical
records and communications accurately and logically. Emphasis is on forming a
foundation for a medical vocabulary including meaning, spelling, and pronunciation.
Medical abbreviations, signs, and symbols are included.
DOE Code: 5274
Recommended Grade Level: Grade 10-12
Recommended Prerequisites: Health Science Education I
Credits: 1 credit per semester, maximum of 2 semesters, maximum of 2 credits
Counts as a Directed Elective or Elective for the General, Core 40, Core 40 with
Academic Honors and Core 40 with Technical Honors diplomas
This course is aligned with postsecondary courses for Dual Credit: Ivy Tech-HLHS 101 Medical Terminology, 3 cr, qualifying test scores required
for dual credit
No additional cost