Principles of Marketing provides a basic introduction to the scope and importance of marketing in the global economy. Emphasis is placed on oral and written
communications, mathematical applications, problem solving, and critical thinking skills
as they relate to advertising/promotion/selling, distribution, financing, marketing-
information management, pricing, and product/service management.
DOE Code: 5914
Recommended Grade Level: 9-12
Recommended Prerequisites: None
Credits: 1 credit per semester, maximum of 2 semesters, maximum of 2 credits
Counts as a Directed Elective or Elective for the General, Core 40, Core 40 with Academic Honors and Core 40 with Technical Honors diplomas
This course has been aligned with postsecondary courses for dual credit: Ivy Tech-MKTG 101 Principles of Marketing, 3 cr., qualifying test scores required for dual credit
No additional cost